
Residential prices for electricity are charged using tiered pricing. Tiered pricing means different prices are charged depending how much energy you use. The less energy a customer uses, the less energy the customer is charged at a higher prices. By staying in a lower tier, you pay less. Tiered pricing encourages customers to conserve energy and use it efficiently.



Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
千瓦小时(kWh) 0–800 801–2,000 超过2000
价格(分/千瓦时) 10.1082¢ 12.1546¢ 14.4385¢


Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
kWh 0–800 801–2,000 超过2000
价格(分/千瓦时) 8.8958¢ 9.8073¢ 10.8615¢

举个例子, 使用1的住宅用户,050 kWh during March would be billed at the non-summer price. The breakdown of this customer’s energy charges according to the tiered price structure would be as follows:

800kwh × 8.8958美分(一级)= 71美元.17
250 kWh × 9.8073美分(二级)= 24美元.52

= 1050千瓦时= 95美元.69

如果同一个客户使用2,225千瓦时,在同一时间, the energy charge would span all three tiers:

800kwh × 8.8958美分(一级)= 71美元.17
1200kwh x 9.8073中心(二级)= 117美元.69
225千瓦时× 10.8615美分(第三层)= 24美元.44

= 2225千瓦时= 213美元.30

If that same customer used only 800 kWh during the same time, the energy charge would fall only into the lower-price tier 1:

800kwh × 8.8958美分(一级)= 71美元.17

Being energy efficient saves you money!

Note: The information outlined here includes only what a residential customer will be billed for their energy charges. It does not include other items or charges found on your hg8868皇冠下载 bill; therefore, 你的实际账单可能不一样.