hg8868皇冠下载 is committed to providing reliable energy to customers in the Treasure Valley. That’s why we’re proposing transmission upgrades in southern Ada County and Kuna. 这些升级将提供更可靠的, 负担得起的, clean energy to customers across the region while increasing capacity and reducing the chance of outages.
In 2012, community leaders identified these improvements as important to the region in the Eastern Treasure Valley Electrical Plan. The plan forecasts energy demand and reliability needs, and addresses them through long-term planning. A community advisory committee made up of business leaders, government officials and other stakeholders helped draft the plan, including concepts that led to the Bowmont to Hubbard project.
These projects will help hg8868皇冠下载 meet the needs of current and future residents, 阿达县南部的农场和企业. They’ll improve service year-round, especially during hot summer days when energy demand peaks.
The Bowmont to Hubbard project will upgrade an existing 138-kilovolt (kV) line with a new 230-kV circuit that connects hg8868皇冠下载’s Bowmont Station south of Nampa to the Hubbard Substation east of Kuna. Many sections of the line will be double circuits, meaning the new 230-kV line will be on the same poles that hold the existing 138-kV line.
The upgraded Bowmont to Hubbard line will bring more energy into the region from 博德曼致海明威 (B2H), 预计在2026年或更晚完成.
The Bowmont to Hubbard upgrade will be built mostly inside hg8868皇冠下载’s existing rights-of-way and easements. 在需要的地方, hg8868皇冠下载 will negotiate new easements with landowners after receiving permits from Ada County and the city of Kuna.
hg8868皇冠下载 is working with local customers, Ada County and the city of Kuna to obtain permits for the Bowmont to Hubbard upgrade. Ada County and the city of Kuna will each hold public hearings on the project. 这些听证会对公众开放. 鼓励作证.
拥有财产的人在1,000 feet of the upgraded line will receive hearing notices from Ada County and the city of Kuna.
建设 is scheduled to begin in 2023. It will take place in three phases, with each phase lasting approximately one year.
If you have questions or comments about the Bowmont to Hubbard project, please contact:
Facility Siting Coordinator Jeff Maffuccio
P.O. 70箱
博伊西,ID 83707
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